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Attendance and Punctuality 

Outstanding attendance and punctuality, to school and lessons, are vital if your child is to learn and achieve their best. Absences disrupt learning and it is very difficult to catch up on what has been missed. Parents/Carers have a legal duty to ensure their child attends school on time every day.


As a school we will ensure that:

  • Students are registered accurately and efficiently in every lesson to enable us to monitor attendance and punctuality;
  • Attendance targets are set for individual students, tutor groups, year groups and for the whole school;
  • Parents/Carers are contacted when reasons for absence are unknown or unauthorised.  Parents can also track attendance online using the Arbor app.
  • The attendance team will intervene when a student’s attendance or punctuality fall below the levels required for outstanding progress;
  • Students are rewarded for improving and maintaining outstanding attendance and punctuality;
  • Support is offered to students and parents/carers to encourage good attendance and punctuality;
  • A free Breakfast is available to every student from 8.00am as well as study spaces.

Students will be encouraged to:

  • Attend school regularly and on time;
  • Communicate with staff if there is an issue that may affect their attendance or punctuality;
  • Report to the school attendance team if their attendance or punctuality fall below the levels required for outstanding progress;
  • Actively engage with support provided to improve attendance and punctuality.


Parents/Carers are legally obliged to:

  • Encourage good attendance and punctuality;
  • Ensure that their child does not miss school unless they are seriously ill;
  • Inform the school on the first day of non-attendance giving a suitable explanation and provide a letter explaining the absence on the  student’s return to school;
  • Not take students away from school during term time.

The school and governors will not authorise any holidays in term time. If your child goes on holiday her place at EGA could be lost and parents/carers will be issued with penalty notices under Section 444A and 444B of the Education Act 1996.


Minor Illness

Illness is the main cause of absence, both at EGA and nationally. Sometimes parents find it difficult to know whether or not their child is well enough to attend school or not. We hope that this guide will help parents to make an informed decision.

Remember: students often feel much better once they get to school and we can always send them home if they get worse.

Reporting an Absence

All absence notifications should be submitted via the Arbor app. If you’re having any trouble finding where to report absences in Arbor, you can find helpful instructions here: Logging Absences on Arbor.

Additionally, if you need to send any medical evidence related to the absence, please email it directly to our dedicated attendance email address: attendance@egas.islington.sch.uk.



National Attendance Award

FFT Attendance 2023 24 Award

National School Attendance Award 2023 - 2024

Attendance Policy

Attendance and Punctuality Protocol 2024-2025

Attendance Strategy 2024 - 2025

Application for Leave of Absence in Term Time

Attendance and Punctuality Information for Parents 2024

Behaviour Basics - Social Time 2024