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Careers and Progression

At EGA we offer independent and impartial careers education, EGA acknowledge and support the development of high aspirations among our young people. This is done by providing each and every student from Year 7 to 11 with well-informed advice about the future, that breaks barriers and stereotypes and encourages a flexible and ambitious approach.

Our Careers Lead is Razziya Siddique. She will be responsible for providing current information, advice and guidance to all students through one-to-one drop in sessions at lunch and after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Parents and carers can also contact her.

Telephone: 020 7837 0739 Ext. 261

Email: razziya.siddique@egas.islington.sch.uk

Training providers and institutions are welcome to contact Ms Siddique directly to arrange presentations and involvement with careers at EGA.

Providers Access Policy 2025

Other staff members to contact for more information

Ms J.Henry - admin@egas.org.uk 

Mr A.Baker - link for careers - admin@egas.org.uk 

Mr M.Dahab - link for careers - admin@egas.org.uk

Careers Policy 

Work Experience Statement 

Careers Partnerships

What careers education, advice and guidance does EGA School provide?

EGA Careers Programme 2024-2025

Visual diagram of the EGA Careers Learning Journey

Working with External Providers

All students at EGA are entitled to a five year programme of activities to develop their readiness for each step of their time at school, the future demands of work and the wider world.

Students will:

  • Develop self-awareness, self-determination and self-improvement as a learner
  • Develop employment knowledge and skills through careers, employability and enterprise education
  • Learn about career sectors and the world of work
  • Develop business and enterprise skills
  • Have access to current labour market information
  • Receive impartial information, advice and guidance
  • Develop their self-awareness, resilience and sense of well-being
  • Value equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Be well prepared for each stage of their journey in education, training and employment

The focus across the five year programme is for students to make appropriate choices at appropriate times with a personalised curriculum.

The Skills curriculum overview for Years 7, 8 and 9 is attached. A summary of the PSHE programme includes the world of work, use of the online Talking Jobs resource, skills and qualities, personal statements and developing self-awareness.

How do we ensure that EGA is providing the best quality careers education and guidance?

Training is on-going for all members of staff that deliver aspects of this programme. School leads ensure they are fully qualified to deliver an impactful and relevant programme, including the best quality careers conversations. On-going training for faculties to reference the world of work is important. The school has based this Readiness programme on statutory guidance including The Gatsby Benchmarks and advice from the Careers Development Institute and Islington Council Careers Service. The programme is reviewed on an annual basis.

Year 7

Year 7 skills development workshops focus on resilience, growth mind-set and personal development. Academic and pastoral teams work together to support parents and students to make decisions so that every child meets their full potential. Students have a bi-weekly skills session within which they develop presentation skills and complete self -development work.

Year 8

In Year 8 Skills sessions, students reflect on their academic plans and make choices for Years 9, 10 and 11. Sessions are devoted to the curriculum model, courses available and choosing a broad range of subjects. Students are supported to identify the most appropriate pathway for their interests and abilities. This occurs through Skills workshops, support from the pastoral team and 1:1 discussions. There is an information session for parents to help with making curriculum choices. Careers knowledge is developed through the Careers Lab programme from Business in the Community and aspects of citizenship are developed in Year 8.

Year 9

In Year 9, students continue to develop their careers knowledge with Careers Lab, continue to develop their citizenship knowledge and explore careers sectors in the local and global economic landscapes. In PSHE, students are supported to make appropriate decisions and choices regarding their ability and aspirations. They also receive sessions for work related learning – covering skills, sectors, pathways and work issues. This includes opportunities to attend work related events to develop their understanding of the changing world of work.

Year 10

In Year 10, students currently work towards a recognised qualification “Preparation for Working Life”. Within this they are able to write a CV, a formal letter of application and demonstrate that they know how to prepare for a job interviews. Year 10 students are afforded more opportunities to attend work related events to develop their understanding of the changing world of work. Target groups are selected for business mentoring, academic tutoring. Information, advice and guidance assemblies and workshops are offered by City and Islington College and Islington Council Careers Service.

Year 11

In Year 11, the PSHE programme covers opportunities at 16-19. 1:1 discussions for every student take place to support the college application process - developing an action plan for the final months of secondary school. A day is given for supporting next steps - Presenting Yourself Day - with support from various sectors to explore job applications, employability and interview skills. Pupils continue to be targeted for mentoring projects and receive several information, advice and guidance assemblies.

How do we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils?

The school regularly measures and assesses the impact of its careers programme through:

  • Feedback from students and other stakeholders following events and opportunities
  • Observation of PSHE lessons relating to careers
  • Monitoring of students' Unifrog accounts
  • Evaluation meetings with our business partners
  • Engagement with external careers experts
  • Performance management of key staff engaged in delivering the careers programme

This information will next be reviewed anually.

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information

What is Labour Market Information?


Post-16 Options

What can students do beyond their time at EGA?

The range of options available after secondary school:

• Continuing with education at any post-16 institute such as sixth forms with courses (A-levels and T-level) or a full time college course (BTEC diplomas, NVQ courses, Foundation courses)

• Starting career-related training (apprenticeships and other vocational training programmes)

Qualification levels and what they mean

Ofqual grading

• Level 3- A-levels (2 year courses) requiring 5 strong passes (5’s and above including English and Maths)a pathway to university


• Level 3 BTEC diplomas- full time and in-depth practical study that is also a pathway to university


• Level 2- courses requiring a pass of 4’s or higher, good stepping stones for level 3 courses


• Level 1- For students with awards below a 4


• Entry level/ESOL - for students who need more time to improve on some basic needs


• It is important to remember that whatever the grade predicted, all EGA students can still achieve without limits!

Post-16 College Information List

Career Pathways

Useful Websites

Take some timeout to explore your options, below are very useful websites to explore.

National Careers Service - All you need to know about careers

Success at School - Success at School is the place for young people to explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice

Prospects --Lots of information about career advice and job sectors

iCould - Careers quiz, as well as videos for inspiration and articles about different careers and industries

Mykindafuture - Use My Kinda Future to build your profile, make CVs and connect with a range of employers

Milkround - Resources to explore apprenticeships, traineeships and school leaver schemes

Start – Get personalised suggestions of careers suited to your personality, interests and skills

Career Pilot - Use Career Pilot to research a wide array of different roles and sectors

National Careers Week - Events and activities at National Careers Week

Careers4u - Videos from professionals in a wide variety of careers and sectors

All About Careers  - Take a careers test and explore different types of careers

Careers Gateway - Links to information about careers and higher education

A-Level Choices - Some excellent advice around choosing A-Level subjects, if you scroll to the bottom, you can input three A-Level subjects and then it gives university degree and job matches

BTECs - BTECs are an increasingly popular alternative to A-levels as a route to university – here’s what you need to know

A-Levels or BTECs - A-levels or BTECs - which is the best path for you? Read the comparison guide to help you decide on the next options you should pursue

Subject Choices - Information and advice on the best subject choices for university

Informed Choices - Information and advice on the best subject choices for university

UCAS - Search for post-16 courses and colleges

Health Careers - Jobs and careers in health and medical sector

Future Morph - Careers using Science and Maths

National Volunteer - Become a Volunteer

Life Skills - This is an excellent website that you can work though to build employability skills and win the chance to do work experience

Not Going Uni - The Not Going to Uni team help you find apprenticeships, college courses or work experience to start building your future

Glassdoor - Labour Market Information and all you need to know about a profession.

Practice Reasoning - Psychometric Tests

Practice Reasoning - Aptitude Tests

Student Room - Forum, advice, GCSE, A Level, University, jobs, finance, revision

Careers Projects


For Parents, Carers and Teachers

Below are some useful websites for parents, carers and teachers.

Mulberry UTC

Family Action Plan

Parent/ Carers Guide to Post 16 

Target Careers - A guide to careers for parents, carers and teachers

National Careers Week

My World of Work for Parents and Carers

Parent Advisor

Career Questions

Useful Resources and Links

https://www.gov.uk/browse/education - government guidance on further and higher education

http://www.londoncolleges.com/ - search every college in London

https://www.gov.uk/topic/further-education-skills/apprenticeships - apprenticeships information

https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/home - careers guidance

https://www.allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk/ - careers and education support

https://www.barclayslifeskills.com/ - advice for preparing for the world of the work

http://www.liftislington.org.uk/support - The website for the Lift Centre in White Lion Street

Career Sectors

The links below will provide further information about possible career options by sector.

Accountancy, Banking and Finance

Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments (CISI) - Professional body for the securities and investments industry, with information on careers and apprenticeships

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) - Professional body with information about careers in accountancy and how to gain a qualification to be a chartered accountant

BDO - School Leavers - A programme to specialise in accountancy

Ernst & Youngs - School Leavers - A programme to specialise in assurance, corporate, finance or tax

Grant Thornton  - Business which offers internships and school leavers programme to young people

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP - The PricewaterhouseCoopers website provides students with access to lots of useful information on careers in accountancy or finance

Bank of England

Barclays Life Skills - Build your employability skills through Barclays


Amazing Apprenticeships


Find an Apprenticeship

National Appreticeships

Business Consulting and Management

Business Expert

TES Business Studies and Economics - How studying business studies and economics can help you get a job


Working with Children

Civil Service

Introduction to UK Parliament

Creative Arts and Design

Creative Skills Set - Information and support for all aspects of creative arts

Guildhall School of Music and Drama - Offers a wide range of courses in music and drama

Careers in Music - Information and advice on a career in Music

Future Talent - Charity which provides financial support and guidance to young musicians age 5 - 18 years

Engineering and Manufacturing and Motor industry

Engineering Construction Industry Training Board - Advice, information and skills development in Engineering Construction, and information on career routes

EDT - Largest provider of STEM enrichment activities for UK youth

Costain - Large international engineering firm with information on a variety of pathways into engineering, including work placements for students

Auto City - Advice for getting into a career in the motor industry - including apprenticeships for retail roles

Neon - Bringing STEM to life through real-world engineering


Start ups - Useful information into how to set up a business

Prince's Trust - The Enterprise Programme - Enterprise programme to help develop entrepreneur skills with applications for financial assistance


Careers in Fashion - Explore careers in the fashion

Hair and Beauty

Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) - Company which offers a wide range of make-up, hair and beauty courses


NHS Careers  - Detail about the wide range of careers within the NHS

Step into the NHS - Videos, case studies and a way to map your career in the NHS

Care UK - Company offering training while working, from diplomas to apprenticeships

Skills for Care - Company offering apprenticeships within the healthcare sector

Health Careers - Jobs and careers in health and medical sector

Nursing & Midwifery Council - Great website to learn about Nursing and Midwifery


Tasty Careers - Everything you need to know about career options in food and drink manufacturing. Top training courses. Real life case studies. Hot tips on getting in and getting on

Information Technology

Big Ambition - Information and advice on digital careers

CW Jobs  - Careers advice and information about IT careers

Gamester - Information, job profiles and advice on jobs in the gaming sector


The Law Society - Independent professional body for solicitors and has information on how to become a solicitor

Law Careers -  Careers information about Law

All About Group

Law Enforcement and Security

Police Information - Detailed information on all aspects of what it is like to work for the police

NHS Ambulance Careers - Information and advice about working for the ambulance service within the NHS

Fire Service - Information and advice on how to work for the fire service

British Army - Information and advice on the wide range of jobs in the British Army

Royal Navy - Information and advice on the wide range of jobs in the Royal Navy

RAF Careers - Information and advice on the wide range of jobs in the RAF

How2Become - Information  on how to have a career in law enforcement and emergency services

Leisure, Sport and Tourism

Careers in Sport - Information and advice about getting a job in sport

Sport England - careers with Sport England and links to information about other jobs in sport

Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality  - Professional body for people with careers within the tourism or hospitality industry

Marketing, Advertising and PR

Get in 2 Marketing - Information and advice about getting a career in marketing

About Money Marketing - More information about starting a career in marketing, brand management and PR

Go Think Big - Tips and tools to explore careers in marketing, and advice on getting work placements

Media, Publishing and Internet

Working in TV - Information and advice on getting a job in the TV industry

ITV Careers - Information and advice on getting a job working for ITV

TES Media - Links and information on how the subjects you study at school can help you get a job

Sky Academy - Sky has programmes for young people to get experience and develop skills in a range of media

BookCareers - A great place to look for jobs in the book industry, including information about the different jobs available, and hints and tips of how to get in

Media Careers - comprehensive source of information for all related careers from the Media and Creative industry

Channel 4 Talent Development Schemes - Through Channel 4's ever-growing range of cutting-edge talent schemes, you can get the support and space you need to make that crucial next step for a career in the industry

Property and Real Estate

National Federation of Property Professionals (NFOPP) -  Gateway to all of the professional organisations in the Property and Real Estate Sector

Public Services and Administration

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) - Information about working for the HMRC

HM Treasury (HMT) - Information about working for the HM Treasury

MI5 - Information and advice on the recruitment process for working for MI5

MI6 - Information and advice on the recruitment process for working for MI6 - there are technical higher apprenticeships available

Recruitment and HR

PM Jobs  - Careers advice and jobs in human resources

Personnel Today  - Careers advice and jobs working with managing people


A career in retail - advice about careers opportunities in the retail industry

Science and Pharmaceuticals

NHS Healthcare Science - Information and advice about a career in healthcare

FutureMorph - careers website to show you where studying science subjects can take you

Maths Careers

Biology - The Royal Society of Biology highlights future careers and opportunities studying bioscience subjects beyond school

Social Care

Skills for Care - Information about apprenticeships within the health and social care sector

What is Social Work?

Teaching and Education

Get into Teaching - Information and advice from the government about a career in teaching

Becoming a Teacher - Information on becoming a teacher or a teaching assistant

Transport and Logistics

Transport for London (TFL) - TFL offer traineeships, apprenticeships and placements within their operations

Skillsnets - Company offering automotive, transport and logistics and non-technical apprenticeships

People 1st - the sector skills council for hospitality, passenger transport, travel and tourism in the UK. Passenger transport includes career options such as Airline Pilot, Air Traffic Controller, and Air Crew

Fun Facts

Riskiest Jobs

Job Market Review

Job Market Post Covid