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Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Sex and Relationships Education is taught as part of Personal, Social and Relationships and sex education (RSE) is taught as part of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and also as part of the National Curriculum Science courses. The programme runs throughout Years 7 to 11 with topics appropriate to the students’ level of maturity. Students are given the facts which are relevant to the topic being covered and an opportunity to discuss issues as they occur. Lessons are delivered by your child’s PSHE teacher and qualified external agencies. A number of approaches are used including discussion, role play, research, presentations, digital material and other media. We also endeavour to utilise theatre in education performances and workshops with visiting speakers.

Year 7: Students will consider the physical and emotional aspects of puberty and adolescence. This unit introduces the stages of human reproduction, but also focuses on the importance of managing risk and maintaining healthy relationships. Students are also taught about the importance of a balanced diet, exercise and good personal hygiene. Sessions on issues such as FGM and potentially abusive relationships are delivered by an experienced Islington borough facilitator.

Year 8: Students are encouraged to consider responsibilities and decisions in families and future partnerships with an emphasis on self-esteem and mutual respect in relationships. Students are starting to develop a greater awareness of positive relationships and the maintenance of good sexual health throughout their lifetimes. The RSE programme explores methods of contraception and where to go for advice and guidance. Diversity and inclusion is taught with a focus on acceptance of all communities and cultures including LGBTQ+. We start to consider the idea of consent and coercion within relationships and how to recognise coercive behaviour.

Year 9: We look at HIV/AIDS and sexual health in a world where millions of young people are being infected with the HIV virus and the incidence of other sexually transmitted infections is increasing. Students will consider the issues around safer sex and will look at how we form our sexual identity and an awareness of sexual fluidity. Students have the opportunity to discuss topics such as grooming, coercion and control in relationships and are encouraged to think critically about the relationships that they form - be they sexual or non-sexual. We explore issues around fertility ,birth and pregnancy. Students will also consider the  influence of the internet and social media on mental health, self image and self perception. Discussions will explore the growth of violence against women and men in the context of domestic abuse. These sessions are supported by Brooke services, The  Camden and Islington Sexual Health Team (CAMISH) and by the Islington borough home safe domestic violence prevention officer)

Year 10/11: We continue the work of the previous years which aims to help students be able to make responsible, healthy, safe and informed decisions in their relationships. Students think about lifestyles and relationships including family life and parenthood. The issue of teenage parenthood is covered. Students will learn about services available to young people and how to access them. There is a focus on the importance of consent and resilience, and will explore the areas of criminal exploitation and grooming by gangs. Wherever possible we work with external facilitators to enable us to deliver relevant and impactful sessions for our students. Should you require a more detailed breakdown of the programme or wish to review any of the resources used please do not hesitate to contact the school. The topics and issues will be discussed openly and objectively in a sensitive and supportive environment.

Sex and sexuality are central to human life and we aim to approach the issues in a positive way so as to help students come to a full understanding of themselves and others.
Learn without limits

The Guide for Parents from the Department of Education on understanding Relationships, Sex and Health Education at your child's secondary school

SRE Policy  (Sex Education & Relationships) 

Withdraw from the sex elements of the relationships and sex education curriculum

Withdraw from the sex elements of the relationships and sex education curriculum
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