SWGfL Report Harmful Content SWGfL Report Harmful Content


We ask parents/carers to ensure that their daughter/child leaves for school looking smart and in the correct uniform. Where there are valid reasons for a student missing an item of uniform, we expect parents to write a note in the diary or to call reception to explain the situation. If students do not have a note, they will be sent to reception to borrow some uniform for the day, or may be sent home to change. We will always contact parents before sending a child home.

All items with the EGA logo can be purchased from Price & Buckland.

Call: 0115 694 0827  Website: https://price-buckland.co.uk/


Uniform Checklist

Equipment list:

  • A sensible school bag with enough room to carry A4 books, folders and equipment in
  • Students are advised to bring a water bottle as there are waterfountains available in the school building for students to use.
  • Essential equipment students must have: pencil case containing black or dark blue pens, pencils, green pen, highlighter, eraser, sharpener, ruler, calculator, protractor and compass.. 

Mobile Phones - Distraction Free Learning 

ARRIVAL - Before entry onto EGA site, students will place their phone inside their Yondr pouch

LOCK - Once inside the gate, the pouch will be locked. Students will maintain possession of their phone at all times (unless they fail to place their phone in the pouch and/or fail to lock it)

UNLOCK - To use their phones again, students tap their pouch on an unlocking base located by the entry/exit gates.


Distraction Free Learning - Mobile Phones

Mobie Phone Rule Change Proposal - September 2023

The school cannot take responsibility for the loss of or damage to any personal possessions. Students are advised to leave valuables and money at home


The only jewellery allowed is a watch and small stud earrings.  No hoops.  

Make up

Make up, false eyelashes, nail varnish, shellac, acrylics, false nails, etc. are not permitted in school and students will be told to remove these.  Please do not allow your daughter to get acrylics, shellac etc, done during term time, as she will have to be sent home to make an appointment to get them removed; save this for the holidays.  Hair dye is only permitted within the natural spectrum of hair colours.