Posted on: 17/11/2022Year 7 Sports Hall AthleticsWell done to the year 7 students who competed in the Islington schools sports hall athletics competition. Your conduct was excellent, the PE department were so impressed with how you encouraged, supported and motivated each other to perform their best. Some stand out performances : Anisa coming 1st place in shot put Charlotte 2nd place in the 6 lap race Congratulations to all who competed throughout the two weeks! Ms Carter
Posted on: 7/11/2022Youth Council Election CandidatesThis week, voting opened for the Islington Youth Council candidates. We have a number of EGA students standing as candidates. They intend to campaign on a range of topics including fair access to school trips, social media and body image and healthcare for young people. This is a very important role because the 14 successful candidates will support the young mayor to decide how money is spent on services for children and young people in the borough. Voting opened on Tuesday 1st November and closes on Thursday 10th November. We will keep you updated on the outcome.
Posted on: 2/11/2022Languages Spelling BeeOn Wednesday 2nd November Year 7 competed in a Spelling Bee competition in French and Spanish. Our Spanish winner, Bushra, writes: "I practised with Señora Lezard , and with my friends at break and lunch every day. At home I tested myself and got my siblings to test me. I was scared at first because I get stage fright when I'm in front of lots of people, but I figured I could just look down while I was on stage. My friends cheered me on and encouraged me so I tried my best. I was very happy when I won because I practised a lot." Well done to all our competitors - they showed great courage to stand up and perform on stage under the lights!
Posted on: 14/10/2022Attendance and Punctuality WeekThis week, year 9 celebrated 100% attendance and punctuality during their assembly. Real-life scenarios were proposed to students for them to consider. For example, students were asked 'what would happen if you were five minutes late for your flight?' or 'what would happen if you were 5 minutes late to an interview?' Year 9 students made excellent contributions and were able to make the link between punctuality to school and long term benefits. We ended the assembly on a very positive note where students' names were entered into a random name picker for their chance to go on a rewards trip.
Posted on: 30/09/2022Art of the WeekYear 7 students worked on observational drawing in their first Art lessons at EGA and produced some lovely outcomes! These are some of the tonal drawings they created! See the amazing artwork they produced below.
Posted on: 8/07/2022STEM conferenceKeynote speaker: Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock Astrophysicist, Writer and Broadcaster spoke to the students and opend our young peoples' eyes to the wide range of careers and opportunities that exist in STEM and help them to see that they have a role in shaping the future.
Posted on: 16/05/2022School Uniform with Price & BucklandAll items with the EGA logo can be purchased from Price & Buckland. Call: 0115 694 0827 Website: All details available HERE:
Posted on: 25/03/2022Music Trip Earlier this month, 30 musicians from across the school took part in a sell-out concert in the Queen Elizabeth Hall. As part of the Music in Secondary Schools Trust, EGA students worked with other schools from across the country to put on a concert filled with a breadth of genres and styles - ranging from orchestral symphonies, to musical theatre showstoppers. In true EGA style, the students came together from all year groups, and all levels of experience - with some only having played their instrument since the beginning of the school year. The hard work and dedication paid off, with a standing ovation from the audience - including MiSST's patron Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber. If you would like to watch the concert, the recording can be found here.
Posted on: 13/01/2022Year 9 MFL StarsMany Year 9s have been working incredibly hard during their mocks and several have achieved grades 9s and 8s. Names to note include: Sabrina, Samiat and Liyaana. Talitha is currently exceeding her own expectations in Spanish. She is focused and has raised her mock grade 2 levels to a 7! She was initially doing a foundation paper but is now set to do the higher and keeps on being an example of what hard work and dedication can achieve at EGA! If you want to raise your grades, try forming a study group with those who have raised their grades or are achieving higher grades and find out what they are doing differently to you. If you want to know where you may need to focus your attention, book an appointment with your language teacher and they will be happy to point you in the right direction. Be proud of your achievements!