Posted on: 12/01/2022Arts and CraftsBy Malaya, Saffron, Mary and Basma This week, a group of Year 7 and 8 have been having lessons on level 5. We have been doing arts and crafts. We have been making leaf stain glass window patterns and paper plate birds nests. If you would like to see them, they are located on level 5 in the old staffroom.
Posted on: 5/01/2022GCSE Drama ShowcaseBy Sadiqah, Year 9 Last term, GCSE drama students have been working tirelessly towards their real performance exam. On Monday, students participated in a tech and dress run and showcased their work in an open rehearsal to members of staff. Well done to all students who were involved, including our lighting and sound extraordinaire,
Posted on: 4/01/2022Year 7 Book ClubOver the past term Year 7 Book Club have been reading and reviewing six science books for the Royal Society Young People's Book Prize. Each week we discuss the books and students take home a book to read. We judged the books based on four criteria, Ease of reading, Interest, Look and feel and Inspiration. There has been some great feedback about the books included on the list, for example Zabella said that Under the Stars by Lisa Harvey-Smith was her favourite and it taught her a lot about astrophysics in an engaging way. All the students agreed that 100 Things to Know about Saving the Planet was the best book overall, which included facts about using old jeans to keep your house warm and other ideas to protect earth. Next term we are going to be reading The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon and we cannot wait to get started!
Posted on: 29/11/2021Dance WorkshopBy Jasmine and Lydia in Year 8 The dance workshop was a mix of Indian, martial arts and contemporary It was a great experience overall because a variety of the people in the dance club only have one style that they do so it was great to step out of our comfort zone and explore different and unique styles. The moves were quite challenging but we all persevered and encouraged each other. The dance workshop brought out the best in all of us and also inspired us. We would like to thank Ms Wells and Sadlers Wells for giving us the opportunity to explore what dance means to other people.
Posted on: 28/11/2021Humanutopia WorkshopLast week, all year 8 pupils participated in an annual workshop called Humanutopia. Humanutopia is a workshop which focuses on how our past may have got us to where we are now but, the future (and power!) is in our hands. Khadijah B in Year 8 reflects and says "In the Humanutopia workshop we focused on who we are and how our choices affect ourselves and the people we are going to be in the future. We also learnt that it's important to see other people's perspectives and how listening is sometimes better than talking. I enjoyed it because it showed me that everyone is different and there is always a chance to make improvements. Thank you for the chance to be part of the workshop."
Posted on: 24/11/2021KS4 VolleyballBy Lola in Year 11 On Wednesday, the 24th of November, our school’s KS4 volleyball team beat Central Foundation Girls School in an exhilarating game held at the opponent’s school. Our team finished the game with a 2-1 score. Each match’s score was: 1. 13-15 (loss) 2. 16-14 (win) 3. 7-2 (win) It is worth noting that our players maintained their motivation and resilience throughout the game and did not allow a temporary defeat to douse their spirit. Although the first match was won by the Central Foundation team, and the second a close call; those amazing volleyball players were able to keep the morale high, spared no effort on the volleyball court and were encouraging and supportive of each other off-court. Everyone is so proud of you, well done!
Posted on: 23/11/2021Art of the WeekYear 8 Print and Collage students have been working hard on creating Abstract collages this week, getting inspiration from the sunburst pattern. They have also introduced their William Morris lino prints into some of the patterns, creating a combined response!
Posted on: 22/11/2021Dance WorkshopEleven lucky year 7 and 8 students took part in a dance workshop last week. The workshop, part of our partnership with Sadlers Wells, was a fantastic opportunity for students to work collaboratively and expressively. All the students participated enthusiastically and had a great time.
Posted on: 22/11/2021Macbeth WorkshopLast Friday, GCSE Drama students participated in a Macbeth Design workshop led by The Almeida Theatre. The workshop was a follow-up to their theatre trip where they watched The Tragedy of Macbeth, starring Saoirse Ronan. In the workshop, students worked alongside theatre-maker Roberta Zuric, who led tasks and activities around the design aspect of the show. Sidra from Year 10 says We took part in discussions and created installations using various objects based on key themes from the play. Personally, I think it was a very good learning experience and it was lots of fun. I would like to thank the Almeida Theatre for making this workshop possible for us to participate in.